clinical psychologist

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If you will visit Poland and wish to consult me, or if you have questions about my private professional services, please call the following office phone numbes. Click here for directions to office locations.
48 693 925 891
Types of services:

  • Individual psychotherapy,
  • couples counseling and treatment of families.

Methods of treatment include:

  • psychodynamic psychotherapy,
  • cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy,
  • couple counseling.

In addition I draw upon a wide variety of other psychotherapeutic methods based upon my experience and the needs of my patients.
Department of Philosophy and History at Jagielonian University in Krakow
Krakow, Poland
Psychology B.A., M.A.
Institute of Neurology CMUJ in Krakow,
ul. Botaniczna 3
Psychiatric Clinic for Adult at University Hospital CMUJ in Krakow, ul. Kopernika 21
The Court of Justice in Krakow
Physical Disability Review Board in Krakow
Private Clinic Lux-Med in Krakow
Private Practice of Clinical Psychology NEURON in Krakow, ul. Olszanska 5

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